Does Mulch Attract Termites? The Surprising Answer Every Homeowner Should Know

» Attracting Termites » Does Mulch Attract Termites? The Surprising Answer Every Homeowner Should Know

Mulch is a popular landscaping material used to help retain moisture in soil, protect plants from extreme temperatures, and reduce weeds. But does mulch attract termites? In this article, we will explore the relationship between termites and mulch and provide important tips you need to know to protect your home from termites.

Termites: General Information

Termites: General Information

  • Termites are small insects that feed on wood and other cellulose materials.
  • They are social insects, living in colonies consisting of a king, queen, workers and soldiers.
  • They typically live in the soil or in wood, but can occasionally be found in other locations such as walls and ceilings.
  • Termites are often found in areas where there is moist and decaying wood, such as mulch or wood chips.
  • Termites can cause significant damage to structures as they feed on the wood, making it structurally unsound.

Types of Mulch

Mulch is a layer of material placed on top of soil to retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and provide nutrients to plants. Common types of mulch include organic mulches such as bark chips, straw, and compost, and inorganic mulches such as stones, gravel, and rubber.

Mulch and Termites

Organic mulches can attract termites, as they provide a food source and a moist environment for them to thrive. Inorganic mulches are not attractive to termites and are a better choice for homeowners looking to avoid a termite infestation.

How to Prevent Mulch from Attracting Termites

Mulches should be kept away from the foundation of the house, as termites may use the mulch as a bridge to the house. Mulches should also be kept dry and not piled too high, as a moist, deep mulch layer can provide ideal conditions for termites. Finally, monitor the mulch for signs of termites and take action if any are found.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best types of mulch to avoid termites?

Organic mulches such as shredded bark, wood chips, straw, and sawdust are the safest options when it comes to preventing termites. Inorganic mulches like gravel, pebbles, and rubber are not as attractive to termites, and are typically the best choice when it comes to avoiding an infestation. It is important to keep mulch away from the foundation of the house and to regularly check for signs of termite activity.

How can I treat mulch to prevent termites?

Mulch can be treated to prevent termites by removing any infested mulch, disposing it properly, and replacing it with a new mulch. Other prevention methods include avoiding mulch made from wood or bark, and making sure to keep the mulch layer thin and free of debris. Applying a preventative chemical barrier around the base of the home can also help to deter termites from entering.

Are there any types of mulch that repel termites?

There are a few types of mulch, such as cedar, cypress and eucalyptus, which have natural oils that can repel termites. However, the effectiveness of these mulches in repelling termites is limited and may depend on the species of termite, the moisture levels in the soil, and the strength of the natural oils in the mulch. Additionally, while they may repel termites, other possible pests, such as ants, may still be attracted to the mulch.

Do Termites Feed on Mulch?

Mulch can provide a food source for termites, especially if the mulch is made from wood chips or other cellulose-based materials. Termites can also be attracted to mulch that is close to foundations or other wood structures, as they seek out wood sources to feed on. Therefore, it is advisable to keep mulch away from any wood structures in order to reduce the chances of attracting termites.

Is there a way to get rid of termites in mulch?

The best way to get rid of termites in mulch is to remove the affected mulch, soil and wood from the area and replace it with new mulch, soil and wood. It is also important to treat the affected area with a registered pesticide designed to target termites. Additionally, it is important to keep the area around the mulch dry and well-ventilated, as moist and poorly-ventilated areas are more attractive to termites.


Mulch can attract termites if it is not managed properly. Organic mulches, such as wood and bark, are more likely to attract termites. It is important to keep mulch away from your home and to replace it frequently, especially if it is organic. If you are worried about termites, consider using inorganic mulches, such as gravel, instead.

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