Discover the Termite Invasion of Massachusetts: What You Need to Know

» Dampwood Termites » Discover the Termite Invasion of Massachusetts: What You Need to Know

Termites are a serious problem in Massachusetts, with the potential to cause significant damage to homes and businesses. In this article, we will discuss how to identify and treat termite infestations. We will cover the various types of termites found in the state, the warning signs of an infestation, and the most effective treatments. By understanding termites and taking the necessary steps to protect your property, you can help ensure your home and business are safe from these destructive pests.

Types of Termites in Massachusetts

Types Of Termites In Massachusetts

Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites are the most common type of termite in Massachusetts. They live in the soil and build extensive underground tunnels to reach their food sources. These termites are most likely to infest wooden structures like homes and buildings in the area.

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites are another species that can be found in Massachusetts. They don’t require contact with the soil and can infest exposed wood, such as decks, fences, and siding. They are more difficult to detect and often require professional help for removal.

Formosan Termites

Formosan termites are an invasive species that originated in Asia. They have recently been found in Massachusetts, and cause more damage than native species due to their larger colonies and aggressive behavior. They can quickly spread to other areas, making them very difficult to control.

Signs of Termite Activity

Signs Of Termite Activity

1. Droppings or Frass

Droppings or frass are often the first sign of a termite infestation. These droppings are small, oval-shaped pellets, usually found near the feeding site.

2. Discarded Wings

Winged termites, also known as swarmers, are often the first sign of an infestation. After swarming, the termites will shed their wings.

3. Mud Tubes

Mud tubes are one of the most common signs of termite activity. These tubes are made from soil and wood particles and are used by the termites to connect their nests to their food sources.

4. Breaks in Wood

Termites feed on wood, so if you see breaks or hollows in wood, it could be a sign of a termite infestation.

Prevention and Control

Prevention And Control

  • Eliminate wood-soil contact, repair any wood in contact with the ground and seal openings around utility pipes and other openings.
  • Keep firewood and lumber away from the foundation of the house.
  • Remove dead trees, stumps, and roots from the property.
  • Replace any rotted wood in decks and porches.
  • Check for signs of termite activity such as mud tubes, damage to wood, and wings shed by swarmers.
  • Install a termite control system such as baiting or chemical soil treatments.
  • Regularly inspect the property for signs of termite activity.

1 Moisture Control

1 Moisture Control

Solution Benefit
Exterior water control Keeps moisture levels low and reduces wood decay
Exterior drainage system Reduces water pooling near foundations and prevents damage
Inspection of interior plumbing Detects leaks and prevents water damage
Inspection of exterior walls and foundations Detects entry points for moisture and humidity
Installation of vapor barriers Reduces moisture in crawl spaces and basements
Interior dehumidification systems Keeps humidity levels low and prevents mold growth

Moisture control is essential for preventing and controlling termites in Massachusetts. Solutions such as exterior water control, exterior drainage systems, inspection of interior plumbing and exterior walls and foundations, installation of vapor barriers, and interior dehumidification systems can help reduce moisture levels and reduce the likelihood of termite infestations.

2 Reduce Access to Food Sources

2 Reduce Access To Food Sources

To reduce termite infestations, it is important to reduce access to food sources. This includes wood, cardboard, and other cellulose materials. Remove any wood, cardboard, or other cellulose materials that are near the structure. These materials should be stored in sealed containers or disposed of properly. Additionally, ensure that all gutters and downspouts are clear of organic debris.

Action Result
Remove wood, cardboard, and other cellulose materials near structure Reduces access to food sources
Store cellulose materials in sealed containers Reduces access to food sources
Dispose of materials properly Reduces access to food sources
Clear gutters and downspouts of organic debris Reduces access to food sources

3 Remove Dead Wood

3 Remove Dead Wood

Removing dead wood is a key step in termite prevention in Massachusetts. Dead wood is a favorite food source for termites, so it should be removed regularly. This includes any dead trees, branches, or stumps on your property. Additionally, check the exterior of your home for any dead wood that may have fallen off your roof or siding.

Activity Frequency
Remove dead trees, branches, or stumps Monthly
Check exterior of home for dead wood Monthly

4 Treatment Options

4 Treatment Options

  • Chemical Treatment: This involves using a liquid insecticide to target and kill termites. It is typically the most effective form of treatment, as it is able to penetrate deep into the soil and reach termites that are hidden in the ground.
  • Bait Stations: This method involves setting up bait stations around the property and monitoring them periodically. If termites are found, they will be killed with an insecticide. This method is beneficial because it targets specific areas and can be used to control a termite population.
  • Heat Treatment: This method involves using a machine to heat the soil around the property to a certain temperature. Termites are killed by the high heat and cannot survive in the treated soil.
  • Fumigation: This method involves using a fumigant to fill the entire property with a gas that is toxic to termites. The fumigant will kill any termites in the area and prevent new ones from entering.

Damage Caused by Termites

Termites can cause extensive damage to structures and landscapes in Massachusetts. They feed on wood, paper, cardboard, insulation, and other organic materials. Termites can damage foundations, decks, porches, furniture, and even trees in the landscape. They can also damage roads, bridges, and other infrastructure. In addition to the physical damage, the presence of termites can be costly to homeowners and businesses who must pay for repair or replacement of damaged items. In some cases, the damage caused by infestations of termites is not immediately apparent. This can lead to undetected damage that can be costly to repair.

Cost of Termite Treatment

Termite treatment can be a costly venture, particularly for larger homes. It may require multiple visits from a pest control expert, as well as a significant amount of labor. Additionally, the cost of the necessary supplies and materials can add up quickly. Most termite treatment companies in Massachusetts charge an average of $2,000 to $3,000 for a single treatment. This cost can vary greatly, depending on the size of the home, the extent of the infestation, and the type of treatment required. For example, some companies may quote a lower price for a single treatment, but may require multiple treatments in order to fully address the infestation. In addition to the cost of the treatment itself, homeowners should also consider the cost of preventative measures, such as regular inspections and ongoing maintenance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What signs should I look for to identify a termite infestation in Massachusetts?

Look for signs of termite activity such as mud tunnels on walls or floors, wings or pellets of sawdust, or damage to wooden structures. Discolored or bubbling paint on walls may be a sign of moisture damage, which can be caused by a termite infestation. Additionally, a hollow sound when tapping on wooden structures could indicate a termite infestation. Lastly, look for swarms of flying insects or discarded wings near windows or doors, which can be indicative of a termite infestation.

How can I tell if I have termites in my home?

Signs of an infestation include damaged wood, piles of wings near windows and doors, mud tubes on exterior walls, and droppings near wood structures. You may also hear a hollow sound when tapping on affected wood. If you suspect an infestation, contact a professional for a termite inspection.

What are the best ways to treat a termite infestation in Massachusetts?

The most effective way to treat a termite infestation in Massachusetts is to use a combination of liquid chemical treatments and bait systems. Liquid chemical treatments involve applying a termiticide to the soil around the exterior of the structure to create a barrier and kill any existing termites. Bait systems use a subterranean termite bait that is placed in the soil around the structure and monitored periodically for activity. If activity is detected, the bait is replaced with a more concentrated version to kill the termites. Professional exterminators should be consulted for more complex infestations.

Are there any home remedies I can use to get rid of termites in Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, it is not recommended to use home remedies to get rid of termites. Professional pest control services should be sought to properly identify the species of termites and treat the infestation. However, there are steps that homeowners can take to reduce the chances of termite infestations such as reducing moisture levels around the home, maintaining landscaping, and sealing any cracks or crevices. Additionally, non-toxic deterrents such as diatomaceous earth, boric acid, and orange oil can be applied to areas where termites may be present.

Are there steps I can take to prevent a termite infestation in Massachusetts?

To prevent a termite infestation in Massachusetts, homeowners should regularly inspect for signs of termite activity, such as mud tubes, wings, and sawdust. Additionally, homeowners should make sure their property is cleared of any debris that could attract termites. This includes decaying wood, stumps, and tree branches. Homeowners should also reduce moisture in and around the home, by eliminating any standing water and repairing any leaky plumbing or fixtures. To further reduce the risk of termite infestations, homeowners should seal any cracks or gaps in the foundation or exterior of their homes. Finally, a professional termite inspection should be conducted annually to detect any early signs of infestation.


Termites are a real problem in Massachusetts and they can cause serious damage to buildings and homes. By being aware of the signs of termite infestations and taking the necessary steps to identify and treat them, homeowners can prevent costly damage and preserve the value of their property. Homeowners should inspect their property for signs of termite infestations at least once a year and contact a qualified pest control professional if they suspect an infestation.

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