Discover How to Protect Your Home from Termites in Northern California

» Dampwood » Discover How to Protect Your Home from Termites in Northern California

Termites are one of the most pervasive pests found in Northern California, causing millions of dollars in damage to homes and other structures each year. In this article, we will explore the prevalence of termites in Northern California and how to identify them, as well as discuss the various methods used to control and prevent them. We will also provide an overview of the damage they can cause and the resources available to homeowners for treatment and prevention.

Types of Termites in Northern California

Types Of Termites In Northern California

Type of Termite Subterranean Drywood
Description Subterranean termites can be found in all parts of the United States, including Northern California. They build their colonies underground, and require soil and moisture to survive. As a result, they are most commonly seen in damp, dark areas near the foundation of a home. Drywood termites can also be found in Northern California. Unlike subterranean termites, they do not require soil or moisture to survive and can build their colonies in dry wood. They can also cause extensive damage to homes, as they are capable of eating through wood and other materials.
Damage Subterranean termites are the most common type of termite in Northern California and can cause extensive damage to homes. They will feed on wood and other materials, resulting in damage to the structure of the home. Drywood termites can also cause extensive damage to homes, as they are capable of eating through wood and other materials. They are also capable of causing damage to furniture, floors, and ceilings.
Signs of Infestation Signs of subterranean termite infestation include mud tubes, swarming wings, and discolored wood. Signs of drywood termite infestation include swarming wings, discolored wood, and sawdust-like pellets.

Signs of Infestation

Signs Of Infestation

  • Mud tubes in the soil near your home’s foundation
  • Discarded wings near windows or doors
  • Tiny holes in wood structures, such as flooring, walls, and furniture
  • Swarms of flying insects in your home or near windows and doors
  • Faint rustling or tapping noises coming from walls
  • Visible termite droppings in the form of fecal pellets



To prevent termites from infesting a property in Northern California, homeowners should conduct routine inspections to identify any signs of termite activity. If any signs are found, contact a pest control professional for an assessment and consultation. Additionally, homeowners should make sure to clear away any debris, wood, or other organic material that is located in or near the home. This will reduce the risk of termites infesting the property. Homeowners should also inspect the foundation of the home for any cracks or crevices that may allow termites to enter the premises. Any holes should be sealed up immediately. Finally, homeowners should consider replacing wood structures with materials that are not susceptible to termites, such as metal or concrete.



  • Identify and eradicate termite infestation with liquid chemical termiticides.
  • Address conducive conditions, such as moisture buildup and woodpiles, to prevent future infestations.
  • Eliminate sources of standing water and reduce humidity levels.
  • Seal all cracks, crevices, and gaps around windows, doors, and other areas where termites may enter.
  • Use baits to control termites. This involves placing bait stations in the soil around the home.
  • Install a termite shield, a metal barrier that prevents termites from entering the home.

Professional Services

Professional Services

Service Description
Inspection A thorough investigation of the property to identify active infestations, potential damage, and areas of risk.
Treatment Using approved methods, inspectors can apply liquid or gas treatments to eliminate active colonies.
Repair Inspectors can also assess and repair structural damage caused by termite infestations.
Maintenance Regular inspections and treatments can help prevent future infestations.

Professional services for termites in northern California include inspection, treatment, repair, and maintenance. These services help identify and eliminate active infestations, repair structural damage, and prevent future infestations. The methods used for treatment and repair depend on the type of termite and the severity of the infestation.

Natural Remedies

One of the most effective natural remedies for controlling termites in Northern California is by creating a physical barrier. This can be done by treating soil with diatomaceous earth, which is a white powder made from fossilized diatoms. It works by cutting into the exoskeleton of termites and other insects, which causes them to dehydrate and die. Additionally, boric acid can be applied to the soil as a form of insecticide. When ingested by termites, boric acid interferes with their digestive system, ultimately killing them. Homeowners can also try planting certain trees, such as lemon, orange, or eucalyptus, as they are known to repel termites. Finally, using natural insecticides or insect repellants can also be used to rid the area of termites.

Impact of Termites on Northern California

  • Termites cause severe structural damage to homes, buildings, and other wooden structures.
  • They can quickly and easily spread to adjacent structures, leading to costly repairs.
  • Termites can also damage furniture, carpets, and other fabrics.
  • In addition to structural damage, termites can cause significant health impacts. They can carry diseases and create an unpleasant environment for residents.
  • Termites can also cause economic impact, as they can increase the cost of home insurance and force homeowners to spend more money on pest control.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the prevalence of termites in Northern California?

Termite infestations are common in Northern California, with the activity of subterranean termites most prevalent in the coastal and valley regions. There are a variety of species of termites in Northern California, including drywood, dampwood, and subterranean termites, however, the most common and destructive is the subterranean termite. Subterranean termites damage wood structures and can cause a significant amount of damage if left untreated.

Are There Specific Species of Termites in Northern California?

Yes, there are specific species of termites that are native to Northern California. The most common species of termites in the region are subterranean, drywood, and dampwood termites. Subterranean termites are found in moist soil and are the most destructive species. Drywood termites are found in sheltered, dry areas and feed on wood, cardboard, and paper. Dampwood termites are found in damp, decaying wood and can cause significant damage to wooden structures.

What Areas of Northern California Are Most Prone to Termites?

Termites are a common problem throughout Northern California, but certain areas are more prone to them due to their warm, humid climates and ample food sources. These areas include the Bay Area, Sacramento Valley, Sierra Nevada foothills, and the Central Coast. In particular, the Bay Area, which includes cities such as San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose, is especially prone to termite infestations due to the abundance of wood in the area. Homeowners in these areas should be aware of the increased risk of termites and take preventative measures to protect their homes.

What can I do to protect my home from northern California termites?

To protect your home from northern California termites, it is recommended to have a professional inspect your home annually for signs of termite activity. To minimize the risk of termite infestation, keep wood away from your home’s foundation, remove dead wood from your yard, and seal cracks and openings in your home’s foundation. If a termite infestation is suspected, contact a pest control professional immediately to determine the best course of treatment.

Are there any treatments available for northern California termites?

Yes, there are various treatments available for northern California termites. Pest control professionals may use baiting systems, liquid treatments, and fumigation to eradicate termites. Baiting systems involve the placement of bait stations in the ground around the infested area. These bait stations contain a slow-acting insecticide that termites feed on, killing them eventually. Liquid treatments require the application of an insecticide directly to the infestation or around the perimeter of the affected area. Fumigation is a more intensive treatment, which involves the use of a fumigant to penetrate the entire structure and kill the termites.


Termites are a major issue in Northern California. The prevalence of termites is increasing due to the warm climate in the region, access to wood, and the lack of proper termite control. The best way to protect your home and property from termites is to have your home inspected for termites regularly, and to take preventative measures such as sealing cracks and crevices to keep them from entering. Regularly treating your home with a termite bait system or a liquid pesticide can help keep termites at bay.

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