New Mexico Homeowners Beware: Termites Are Lurking!

» Location » New Mexico Homeowners Beware: Termites Are Lurking!

New Mexico is a hot spot for termite infestations due to its warm, dry climate. Homeowners in the area should be aware of the potential for termite damage. This article will provide an introduction to the types of termites found in New Mexico and the steps homeowners should take to protect their homes from these destructive pests.

Types of Termites in New Mexico

Types Of Termites In New Mexico

1. Drywood Termites

Drywood termites are found in all parts of New Mexico and occur in both dry and wet climates. They live in dry wood and can cause extensive damage to homes, businesses, and other structures. To protect your home, it is important to identify the signs of an infestation and take immediate action to eliminate them.

2. Subterranean Termites

Subterranean termites are the most common type of termite in New Mexico. They live in the ground and feed on wood that is in contact with the soil. These termites can cause significant damage to wooden structures, including homes and businesses. To prevent an infestation, it is important to inspect your home regularly for signs of termites and take preventive measures to keep them away.

Signs of Termites in New Mexico

Signs Of Termites In New Mexico

Termites in New Mexico can cause significant damage to wooden structures and furniture. To identify a termite infestation, look for the following signs:

• Mud tubes on walls or trees. Termites build these tubes to protect themselves from the sun and predators as they travel from their nest in search of food.
• Swarms of winged termites. If you see a swarm of winged insects, it is likely termites. Swarms usually happen in the spring when the termites are mating.
• Droppings. Termite droppings, also called “frass”, are small and cylindrical. They are usually black or brown in color.
• Damaged wood. Termites can cause serious damage to wooden structures, including floors, walls, and furniture. Look for holes, weakened wood, and sagging floors.
• Discarded wings. After a termite swarm, the termites shed their wings. Look for piles of wings near windows, doors, and other entry points.

If you suspect you have a termite infestation, contact a pest control professional as soon as possible. A professional can assess the extent of the infestation and recommend the best course of action.

Prevention and Control Methods

Prevention And Control Methods

Chemical Control

Chemical control of termites in New Mexico is usually accomplished through the use of termiticides. These termiticides are applied to the soil around the foundation of the home or other structure to create a barrier that termites cannot penetrate. The termiticides can also be injected into the wall voids or other areas of infestation.

Physical Control

Physical control of termites in New Mexico can be accomplished by removing sources of moisture and food that the termites need to survive. This includes removing dead wood, mulch, and other organic materials from around the home or structure. Additionally, sealing any cracks or openings in the foundation can help to prevent termites from entering the structure.

Cultural Control

Cultural control of termites in New Mexico can be accomplished through the use of traps and baits. Traps and baits can be placed around the home or structure and are designed to attract and kill termites. Additionally, regular inspections of the home or structure can help to detect and treat termite infestations before they become serious.

Cost of Termite Treatment in New Mexico

Cost Of Termite Treatment In New Mexico

Termite treatments in New Mexico vary in cost depending on the size and location of the infested area, as well as the type of termite present. Typically, prices for treatment range from $300-$2,000.

Type of Treatment Cost
Spot Treatment $300-$400
Localized Treatment $500-$1,500
Full Structure Treatment $1,500-$2,000

Spot treatments involve treating a single room or area and are the least expensive type of treatment. Localized treatments are more expensive as they involve a larger area, while a full structure treatment is necessary when the entire building is infested.

Prices can also vary depending on the type of termite present. Drywood termites require alternative treatments that are often more expensive than those used for subterranean termites. Depending on the severity of the infestation, additional treatments may be necessary, which can increase the cost.

It is important to note that termite treatments can be expensive and require an experienced professional for proper application. However, it is important to treat a termite infestation as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

Pros and Cons of DIY Termite Treatment

Pros And Cons Of Diy Termite Treatment

Pros: DIY termite treatments can be cost effective and easy to apply. If you find an infestation early, DIY treatments can be effective in eliminating the problem. Additionally, DIY treatments are often less toxic than professional treatments, making them a safer option for households with pets or children.

Cons: DIY termite treatments are often not as effective as professional treatments. They can also be difficult to apply correctly. In some cases, DIY treatments may even worsen the problem, leading to more damage and a more expensive repair. Additionally, DIY treatments are often not covered by warranties, so the user assumes all responsibility for the results.

Professional Termite Treatment in New Mexico

Termite infestations can cause serious damage to homes, businesses, and other structures in New Mexico. Professional termite treatment is essential for protecting your property from potential damages.

Inspection and Treatment

When it comes to termite treatment in New Mexico, the first step is to have a thorough inspection of your property. A professional pest control technician will inspect your property for signs of an infestation, such as mud tubes, discarded wings, and other signs of termite activity. Once the infestation is confirmed, the technician will recommend the best course of action for treatment.

Types of Termite Treatment

The two most common types of termite treatment in New Mexico are liquid and bait treatments. With a liquid treatment, the technician injects a liquid insecticide into the soil around the foundation of the property to kill the termites. Bait treatments involve the placement of bait stations around the property, which contain food that termites will eat. The bait stations also contain a slow-acting insecticide that will eventually kill the termites.

Cost of Treatment

Type of Treatment Average Cost
Liquid Treatment $500 – $1,500
Bait Treatment $600 – $2,000

The costs of termite treatments in New Mexico will vary depending on the size of the property, the extent of the infestation, and the type of treatment being used. Generally, a liquid treatment will cost between $500 and $1,500, while a bait treatment will cost between $600 and $2,000.

Importance of Professional Treatment

It is important to seek professional termite treatment in New Mexico in order to protect your property from potential damage. Termites can cause serious damage to structures, and can be difficult to detect and eradicate without the help of a professional. Professional termite treatments are the best way to ensure that your property is protected from termites.

Termite Exterminators in New Mexico

New Mexico is home to a variety of subterranean termite species, including the Eastern Subterranean, Western Subterranean, and Formosan termites. These destructive pests can cause thousands of dollars in property damage each year. To help protect homes and businesses in the state, there are many termite exterminators available in New Mexico.

The Terminix Company

The Terminix Company is one of the leading termite extermination companies in the nation, and they offer services in New Mexico. They offer a variety of treatments, such as liquid barrier treatments, baiting systems, and foam treatments. They also provide free inspections and estimates.

Orkin Pest Control

Orkin Pest Control offers termite extermination services in New Mexico. They use liquid barrier treatments, baiting systems, and foam treatments to eradicate termites. They also provide free inspections and estimates.

Pestmaster Services

Pestmaster Services is another termite extermination company in New Mexico. They offer liquid barrier treatments, baiting systems, and foam treatments to combat termites. They also provide free estimates and inspections.

Terminator Pest Control

Terminator Pest Control is a New Mexico-based termite extermination company. They offer liquid barrier treatments, baiting systems, and foam treatments to eliminate termites. They also provide free inspections and estimates.

Rid-A-Bug Pest Control

Rid-A-Bug Pest Control is a New Mexico-based termite extermination company. They use liquid barrier treatments, baiting systems, and foam treatments to combat termites. They also provide free inspections and estimates.

Compare Exterminator Prices

It is important to compare prices and services when choosing a termite exterminator in New Mexico.

Company Location Services Offered Prices
Terminix New Mexico Liquid barrier treatments, baiting systems, foam treatments Varies
Orkin New Mexico Liquid barrier treatments, baiting systems, foam treatments Varies
Pestmaster New Mexico Liquid barrier treatments, baiting systems, foam treatments Varies
Terminator New Mexico Liquid barrier treatments, baiting systems, foam treatments Varies
Rid-A-Bug New Mexico Liquid barrier treatments, baiting systems, foam treatments Varies

It is important to read customer reviews and ask questions to make sure you are getting the best service and value for your money.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Termites a Problem in New Mexico?

Yes, termites are a problem in New Mexico. Subterranean termites are the most destructive species and can cause significant damage to homes and other structures. They feed on cellulose material such as wood and paper, and can cause structural damage if left unchecked. It is important to be aware of the signs of a termite infestation and to take appropriate steps to prevent and eliminate them.

What do I need to know about termites in New Mexico?

Termites are a common problem in New Mexico homes and businesses due to the mild climate and plentiful wood sources. Termites can cause extensive damage to structures if left untreated, so it is important to be aware of the signs of an infestation. The most common type of termite found in New Mexico is the subterranean termite, which lives and feeds underground. Signs of a subterranean termite infestation include the presence of mud tubes on walls or structures, damaged or hollow-sounding wood, and swarms of winged termites. Regular inspections, proper maintenance, and prompt treatment of any infestations are important for preventing significant damage.

What are the Signs of Termite Infestation in New Mexico?

Termites can cause extensive damage to homes in New Mexico. To detect an infestation early, look for signs such as mud tubes along foundations, discarded wings near windows and doors, and hollow-sounding wood. Other signs include swarming of winged termites, termite droppings, and damage to wood, wallpaper, and insulation. If you suspect a termite infestation, contact a professional pest control company to inspect and determine the severity of the infestation.

How can I protect my home from termites in New Mexico?

To protect a home from termites in New Mexico, homeowners should inspect their homes annually for signs of termite activity. Homeowners should also keep the soil around their home free of excess moisture, repair any leaks or water damage, seal off any cracks or crevices on the exterior of the home, and store firewood and other cellulose materials away from the foundation. Additionally, homeowners should consider investing in a termite control system to protect their home from infestations.

What Kinds of Termites Are Found in New Mexico?

New Mexico has three common types of termites that are typically found in the state: Subterranean, Drywood, and Dampwood termites. Subterranean termites are the most destructive, and live below ground in colonies of several thousand. Drywood termites live in wood without needing contact with the ground, and Dampwood termites prefer wood with high moisture content. All three species can cause significant damage to structures if left untreated.


New Mexico is a hotbed for termites and homeowners should be aware of the signs of a termite infestation and the actions they can take to protect their homes. Homeowners should have their property inspected at least once a year, and any signs of termite activity should be reported to a professional pest control company as soon as possible. Prevention is key when it comes to termites, and homeowners should take all necessary precautions to protect their property from termite damage.

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