Termites Oklahoma: How to Protect Your Home from These Destructive Pests

» Geography » Termites Oklahoma: How to Protect Your Home from These Destructive Pests

Termites are a common problem in homes throughout Oklahoma. They can cause structural damage, destroy furniture, and cause a great deal of stress to homeowners. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to protect homes from termite infestations. In this article, we’ll explore the risks of termite infestations and provide tips on how to prevent and treat them.

Types of Termites in Oklahoma

Types Of Termites In Oklahoma

Eastern Subterranean Termites

Eastern subterranean termites are the most common type found in Oklahoma and across the United States. They build underground colonies and enter homes by tunneling through the soil. They can cause extensive damage to wood structures and feed on cellulose-based materials.

Formosan Subterranean Termites

Formosan subterranean termites are an invasive species that has spread throughout the southeastern United States. They live in large colonies and can cause significant structural damage to homes. They are particularly difficult to eradicate due to their aggressive behavior and high reproductive rate.

Drywood Termites

Drywood termites are usually found in older, wooden structures and can cause extensive damage. They live in dry, dead wood and can spread quickly if left untreated.

Dampwood Termites

Dampwood termites are typically found in moist, decaying wood and can cause significant damage. They are most commonly found in damp, humid environments and can quickly spread to other areas if left untreated.

Signs of Termites in Oklahoma

Signs Of Termites In Oklahoma

Sign Explanation
Mud Tubes Subterranean termites build mud tubes from the soil to their food source. These tubes are made of soil and wood particles and can be seen as a dirt-like substance on walls, and other surfaces.
Wood Damage Termites feed on wood and can cause extensive damage to the structural integrity of a home. Termite damage appears as small holes in wood or the presence of sawdust-like material.
Discarded Wings Winged termites, also known as ‘swarmers’, shed their wings after mating. Discarded wings can be found near windowsills and other areas of the home.
Hollow Sounds Termites consume the soft parts of wood, leaving the surface intact. Tap on walls and other wooden fixtures to listen for hollow sounds, which indicates damage from termites.

Preventative Measures for Termites In Oklahoma

Preventative Measures For Termites In Oklahoma

  • Inspect the foundation of your home for any signs of termite damage or activity.
  • Check for potential entry points for termites within the home, such as door and window frames, and repair any damage or gaps.
  • Remove any wood debris from the perimeter of your home, such as tree stumps, logs, and branches.
  • Store firewood away from the home and off the ground, if possible.
  • Regularly inspect your property for signs of termite activity and repair any damages.
  • Eliminate any standing water on your property, as this may attract termites.
  • Replace any wood foundation or support structures with materials that are less attractive to termites, such as steel or concrete.
  • Have a professional inspect your home annually for any signs of termite activity.
  • Treat the foundation of your home with a termite repellent or pesticide.

Treatment Options for Termites In Oklahoma

Treatment Options For Termites In Oklahoma

  • Baiting Systems: These systems use bait stations to lure in termites, which are then poisoned. After the termites consume the bait, they die. This is a slow process and requires regular monitoring to ensure its effectiveness.
  • Chemical Treatments: These treatments involve spraying a pesticide on the infested area. This will kill the termites, but can be dangerous to humans and pets if not done by a professional.
  • Fumigation: This type of treatment involves sealing off an area and releasing a gas that will kill the termites. This method is more effective than spraying, but is more expensive and can be dangerous if not done correctly.
  • Heat Treatments: This involves using a heat gun to heat the affected area to over 140 degrees Fahrenheit, killing the termites in the process. This is a more expensive method and can be dangerous if not done by a professional.
  • Electrical Treatments: This involves using an electrical current to kill the termites. This is the most expensive method and can also be dangerous if not done correctly.

Cost of Treatment for Termites In Oklahoma

Cost Of Treatment For Termites In Oklahoma

  • Treatment for dry wood termites typically costs between $500 – $3,000.
  • Treatment for subterranean termites typically costs between $800 – $2,500.
  • Tenting and fumigation typically costs between $1,200 – $2,500.
  • Inspection fees typically cost between $50 – $200.
  • Repair costs vary depending on the extent of damage.

Professional Pest Control Services for Termites In Oklahoma

  • Inspect property for signs of termites or other wood-damaging pests.
  • Identify the species of termite and the extent of the infestation.
  • Evaluate the structure and recommend appropriate treatments.
  • Provide treatment options, including baiting, liquid treatments, and fumigation.
  • Remove existing termite colonies and nests.
  • Inspect and treat wood-destroying pests, including carpenter ants, wood-boring beetles, and drywood termites.
  • Install preventative treatments and monitoring systems.
  • Provide follow-up visits to ensure the treatments were successful.

Professional pest control services for termites in Oklahoma are available to inspect and treat for all types of termites, including subterranean, drywood, and Formosan termites. During the inspection process, a pest control professional will inspect the property for signs of termites or other wood-damaging pests, identify the species of termite and the extent of the infestation, and evaluate the structure in order to make recommendations on the best treatment option to eliminate the infestation. Treatment options may include baiting, liquid treatments, or fumigation. Other services may include removing existing termite colonies and nests, inspecting and treating wood-destroying pests, including carpenter ants, wood-boring beetles, and drywood termites, installing preventative treatments and monitoring systems, and providing follow-up visits to ensure that the treatments are successful.

Impact of Termites on Oklahoma Homeowners

  • Termites can cause significant structural damage to buildings, making them unsafe and expensive to repair.
  • Termites can cause thousands of dollars in damage to homes, making them a costly pest to control and eradicate.
  • Termites can spread quickly throughout the home, making it difficult to get rid of them without professional help.
  • Termites can cause health problems such as asthma, allergies, and respiratory distress.
  • Termites can also cause damage to furniture, carpeting, and other items in the home.
  • Termites can be difficult to detect, making it important for homeowners to be aware of signs of an infestation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the signs of termite infestation in Oklahoma?

Termites can cause extensive damage to buildings and other structures in Oklahoma. Signs of a termite infestation in the state include swarms of winged insects, mud tunnels on exterior walls, hollow-sounding wood, and cracked or bubbling paint or wallpaper. Other indicators of termite damage include droppings that look like sawdust, and discarded wings near windows and doors. It is important to identify and treat an infestation quickly to reduce the risk of extensive damage.

How can I protect my Oklahoma Home from Termites?

The best way to protect your home from termites is to have a licensed pest control professional inspect your home for any existing termite activity and develop a treatment plan to control and prevent future infestations. To prevent termite entry, seal off any cracks or openings in foundations, siding, and around door and window frames with silicone or other caulking materials. Eliminate sources of moisture around your home such as leaking pipes, clogged gutters, or other water-collecting areas. Remove any debris, such as old stumps, logs, or firewood, from around your home. Make sure to keep mulch and other landscaping materials away from the foundation. Regularly inspect your home for signs of termite damage, such as mud tubes or damaged wood. If you discover any potential signs of termites, contact a pest control professional immediately.

Are there any exterminator services available in Oklahoma City to get rid of termites?

Yes, there are numerous exterminator services available in Oklahoma City that specialize in termite removal and control. These services use a variety of methods to eradicate termites, including heat treatments, baiting systems, and chemical treatments. Exterminators in Oklahoma City are experienced in detecting termites in homes and businesses and providing the best solutions to eliminate and prevent future infestations.

Are Termites Common in Oklahoma?

Yes, termites are common in Oklahoma. They are most active during the warmer months of the year when temperatures are higher. Subterranean termites are the most common species found in Oklahoma, and they are known to cause considerable damage to homes and other structures. Different types of termite treatments are available to protect homes from termite infestations.

What are the best ways to detect termites in Oklahoma?

The most effective way to detect termites in Oklahoma is to have an annual inspection from a licensed pest control professional. These professionals are trained to recognize the signs of termite infestation and can provide the most accurate assessment of the risk of a termite problem. Other methods of detection include looking for signs of wood damage or mud tubes, checking for swarms, and setting up baiting systems. It is also important to be aware of the types of termites that are common in Oklahoma, as this can help with early detection.


Termites can cause extensive and expensive damage to homes in Oklahoma. Homeowners should be aware of the signs of termite activity and take the necessary steps to protect their home from these destructive pests. Regular pest control inspections and preventive measures such as sealing cracks and eliminating sources of moisture can help protect a home from termite damage. Any existing evidence of termite activity should be addressed immediately by a professional pest control service.

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